Revisita al Plan Regulador para Montevideo de 1930
Invenciones y redes en torno al advenimiento del urbanismo científico en Uruguay
scientific urbanism; Cravotto; regulatory plan; MontevideoAbstract
The Montevideo Regulatory Plan of 1930 has been repeatedly considered in Uruguayan historiography on the basis of two statements: as a failed proposal in the sense of not having been put into practice and as ascribed to the current of CIAM. While discussing the first requires a change of look, the second is obviously problematic as a matter of dating. The possibility of accessing primary sources with material never before used allows to study these aspects and to propose new arguments, which overturn both statements. This article is a summary of an investigation that focused on the Regulatory Plan although it derived in the networks that Mauricio Cravotto weaved during his formative years and his first decades of professional and academic work in Urbanism.
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