About the Journal

REGISTROS is a biannual peer-reviewed open access scientific journal that specializes in historical and theoretical research of those disciplines related to the design and production of the built environment. It is edited by the School of Architecture, Urbanism and Design of the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina). It publishes original, previously-unpublished scientific papers (articles, epistemological debates), book reviews, and archives, with the aim of contributing to the consolidation of a field of historical and critical conversations within the following areas of knowledge: Urban and Territorial History; History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture, of Industrial Design, of Urbanism, and of Urban-Regional Planning. Through the publication of both national and international contributions, the dissemination of and exchange between local, national and international research constitute key objectives of this journal.

It is a thematic journal, mainly addressed to the academic public but without excluding a wider audience, which organizes each issue around different aspects and perspectives of approach within a single topic, in search of a vast and diverse overview of the state of research in the theme proposed in each call.

The journal is published in Spanish. However, authors whose mother tongue is English, French, Portuguese or Italian may submit texts in their native language for the sections of Articles and Epistemological Debates.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published twice a year (June and December). Submissions are only received during the periods established for the call for papers of each issue. This shortens the time that passes from submission to publication.

The permanent section of this journal is Articles, together with the Presentation or Introduction of the issue by its organizers. The inclusion of the rest of the sections (Epistemological Debates, Book Reviews and Archive) is decided in each issue depending on the contributions received.


Peer Review Process

In order to ensure the scientific quality of the papers received for the sections of Articles and Epistemological Debates, these are subjected, in the first place, to an internal review by two or more members of the journal’s Editorial Board, who assess the paper’s thematic relevance, its pertinence regarding the journal’s aim and policies, and its adequacy to publication rules. If any of these points is not fulfilled, the contribution can be rejected or its author might be asked to modify it so as to continue with the process.

Secondly, those submissions that fulfill the requisites of the internal review are subjected to external consideration by two of the experts, double-blind peer review, that form part of the International Scientific Council. Alternatively, ad hoc reviewers are requested, if necessary. In case of controversy, the text is sent to a third reviewer. 

Authors receive an anonymous report sent by the journal and shall comply with the observations therein, if any, within the period of time set in the report by the Editorial Board, which makes the final decision on the submission’s publication.

Open Access Policies

REGISTROS adheres to the international open access movement for scientific publications, and consequently provides free, unrestricted and immediate access to all of its online content. This can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed, tracked for its indexing, or used for any other legal purpose, without any financial, legal or technical barriers other than those unavoidably related to Internet access.

This journal does not charge authors any kind of submission fee, nor does it charge for the processing or publication of contributions.