Transatlantic Trajectories
Entrevista a Chistiane Cresamann Collins de
Christiane Cresamann Collins comes to Brazil for the first time in order to attend the I International Conference on Urban History, “Camillo Sitte and the circulation of ideas on urban aesthetics. Europe and Latin America: 1880-1930”.
The occasion is the celebration of two major events in the history of urban planning: the centenary of the death of Camillo Sitte and the publication in 1904 of the first town planning review, Der Städtebau, founded by Sitte and Theodor Goecke.
The Brazilian conference is considered by its organisers a continuation of the international conference titled “Camillo Sitte and his followers” held in Venice in 1990 (organised by Guido Zucconi), with the additional contribution of the recent results of the “Camillo Sitte Symposium” held in Vienna in November 2003.
The general aim of the conference is to encourage comparative research in Europe and Latin America in the formative years of town planning studies.
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