Which La Escuelita?

Silence, Fragmentation and Denunciation in the Courses of Ernesto Katzenstein, Francisco Liernur and Eduardo Leston (1977-1981)


  • Jonas Delecave Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil


Architectural education, postmodernism, idea circulation, La Escuelita


La Escuelita was an educational experience in architecture that took place in Buenos Aires during the last Argentine military dictatorship (1976-1983), marked by a great institutional informality and by the convergence (and dispute) of different discourses on architecture. The bibliographic production about La Escuelita has put more emphasis in the courses coordinated by Justo Solsona and Tony Díaz and in the debates about the architectural parti and the concept of typology that the two developed. The aim of this article is to investigate the courses coordinated by Ernesto Katzenstein, Jorge Francisco Liernur and Eduardo Leston, in which the ideas of silence, fragmentation and denunciation, connected to an intense international circulation of ideas, played a central role. To that end, the courses are collated with a series of texts, conferences and projects that were part of a collective reflection about what architecture was still able to accomplish, in a context of the crisis of modern architecture and censorship imposed by the military regime.



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Author Biography

Jonas Delecave, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil

Arquitecto y Urbanista, Universidade Federal Fluminense (EAU/UFF, 2011). Magister em Arquitectura, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (PROARQ/UFRJ, 2015). Doctor en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo (FAU/USP, 2020), Brasil.


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How to Cite

Delecave, J. (2020). Which La Escuelita? Silence, Fragmentation and Denunciation in the Courses of Ernesto Katzenstein, Francisco Liernur and Eduardo Leston (1977-1981). Registros. Revista De Investigación Histórica, 16(2), 124–150. Retrieved from https://revistasfaud.mdp.edu.ar/registros/article/view/452