Architecture And Military Headquarters In Venezuela
State and National Army, 1908-1935
barracks, military architecture, modernization, Venezuelan StateAbstract
This research aims to approach the relationship between the State, the military organization and architecture with the goal of building a history of architecture that as a thread having the construction of barracks in the first three decades of the twentieth century in Venezuela. Based on the bibliographic and document review, is reconstructed, organized and established as the modernization process had an impact on how to deploy this kind of buildings in the urban fabrics of Venezuelan cities and how to project them was a mechanism of representation of the power that the State and the military boasted. The results are developed in this work from the consideration of “dwell”, the recognition of the language of the medieval and renaissance Revivals in these buildings and the way it was manifested in the barracks of three of the most important capitals of the country: Maracay, Barquisimeto and San Cristóbal. Finally, in the barracks not only the activities of training and discipline of the military sector were envisaged, but they were instruments of protection and exercise of power accompanied by the political, social, commercial economic reactivation and peeped the Venezuelan State.
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