Territorial forms and systems

A review of the territorial structures generated by the railroad in the Argentina’s central region


  • Román Caracciolo Vera Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina


territory, railway, landstructures


This article is part of the ongoing doctoral thesis On land of rails that studies the transformation processes of the territory of the central Argentine region, from the implantation of the railway systems that operated in the region since the middle of the XIX century. This article explores the results of those transformations that modified a previous territory, giving it its own identity. It is based on specific forms adjusted to the railway reality. The analysis and the reinterpretation of the territory through the drawing allows to decompose the space and extract its primary logics (systemic and formal) to reveal the structures that define its operation. The order, sequences, rhythms, scales and hierarchies are different facets of a single reality, understood from the perspective of a network. There are the character imposed by the rail system that provide their specific identity to the analysed territory.


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Author Biography

Román Caracciolo Vera, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Profesor de Urbanismo. Arquitecto (UNC). Master en Urbanismo y Candidato a Doctor, Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC). Departamento de Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio.


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How to Cite

Caracciolo Vera, R. (2019). Territorial forms and systems : A review of the territorial structures generated by the railroad in the Argentina’s central region. Registros. Revista De Investigación Histórica, 15(1), 22–40. Retrieved from https://revistasfaud.mdp.edu.ar/registros/article/view/303