The school in the city. Rosario in the 1930s


  • Daniela Alejadra Cattaneo Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina


schools, public building, modern architecture, city, communitary


The work explores the role of the primary school in the social and material transformation of 
argentinian cities as Rosario in the 1930s. In these years the civic function is qualified with the communitary action due to the impact on the social dynamics of new collective identities constructed around neighborhoods in conformation from social ties linked to the place of residence and further enhanced by family and work routines including schooling. The school appears as a socialization machine in a context of social mobility and the emergence of the middle classes. Meanwhile, the provincial bureaucracies in shaping appeal to the modern public building as a means of legitimization. 
When asked ¿why, and where primary schools were built? inquires into the expression of the urban meaning of the public-state, meaning that schools, like banners that ordered the cities functional and symbolically.


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How to Cite

Cattaneo, D. A. (2009). The school in the city. Rosario in the 1930s. Registros. Revista De Investigación Histórica, (6), 120–137. Retrieved from