The Concrete Art in Arsgentina and its possible relation with the ariing of Graphic Design


  • Verónica Devalle Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


concrete art, vanguard, design, discipline


In this paper I will analyse the features of Argentine Concrete Art as long as it is considered that both graphic and industrial design find their main antecedents in this artistic movement. I will explore to what extent design shaped itself as a discipline according to the main characteristics assumed by the local vanguard “Arte Concreto Invención”. My intention is to put into question if design owes its distinctive features to these principles or if there are other kind of issues to be taken into account when analysing the emergence of design as a social and cultural practice.


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Author Biography

Verónica Devalle, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Lic. en Sociología (UBA), Magíster en Sociología de la cultura (IDAES, UNSAM), Doctoranda UBA. Profesora UBA, investigadora asistente CONICET. Sede de trabajo: Instituto de Arte Americano, FADU, UBA.


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How to Cite

Devalle, V. (2007). The Concrete Art in Arsgentina and its possible relation with the ariing of Graphic Design. Registros. Revista De Investigación Histórica, (4), 78–86. Retrieved from