Life in green code. Changes in the ways of urban and rural living in the nineteenth century


  • Graciela Silvestri Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


landscape, British community, representations


lt is universally recognized the contribution of English horticulturism to modern urban and territorial knowledge, particularly in reference to the rol of the "Green" in relationship with human dwell. Although, it was less studied the cultural influence of this sensibility on the South American nations wich, emerging from the hyspanic rule, offered to travellers the possibilities of vaste and empty expanses, unusual landscapes and contrast ways of settlement. However, the paths the new nations will take to organize their territory, in contact with these organicist inflections, will be not uniform. The pampa's region, our object of research, offers particular features that have been scarcely considered, since the weight of european (continental) culture led scholars to suppose the exdusivity of the French matrix in these subjects. But the important presence in concrete and symbolic terms of British community in Buenos Aires, around the mid of the XIX C, have led us to investigate the relationship between this long tradition of appreciation of the natural world; its inflections in the terms of taste; its changes in confrontation with an odd culture and strange landscapes; and the ambiguous products that have rosen from this mix.


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Author Biography

Graciela Silvestri, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

Arquitecta UBA. Doctora en Historia FFYL-UBA. Investigadora Independiente CONICET (Sede IDEHAB, Universidad Nacional de La Plata)


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How to Cite

Silvestri, G. (2008). Life in green code. Changes in the ways of urban and rural living in the nineteenth century. Registros. Revista De Investigación Histórica, (5), 16–30. Retrieved from