Main aspects in the transformation of Buenos Aires province seaside into touring territory


  • Perla Bruno Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina


territorio turístico, paisaje, costa bonaerense, balnearios


Hundreds of kilometers of the vast, sandy and soft sloping beaches of the Buenos Aires coast played a key role in the transformation of that coastal front into a tourist spot. This article will deal with the steady, though not linear, process that made up the holiday area of Buenos Aires province. To analyzed that process, there will be considered three intervening dimensions: the characterization of the seaside resorts and the building of roads –with its underlying ideas or intentions of projects and interventions– the policy design and the arise of a new sensibility. Here, we will focus on the 1920-40 period which, through the social and cultural transformations, paved the way for the arousal of tourist activities and the granting of territories for that aim, resulting in a process of mutual configuration. As a consequence of that process, the open and full of dunes Buenos Aires seaside became a touring landscape.


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Author Biography

Perla Bruno, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

Arquitecta, UNLP 1987. Profesora adjunta del Area Histórico-Social de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Investigadora del Centro de Estudios Históricos, Arquitectónico-Urbanos, de la misma facultad.


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BRUNO, Perla y MAZZA, Carlos (2002). Construcción de paisajes. Transformaciones territoriales y planificación en la región marplatense 1930-1965, Mar del Plata, SEU/FAUD/UNMdP.

FERNÁNDEZ FUSTER, L. (1991). Historia general del turismo de masas, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, p.: 203.

GARCÍA HERAS, Raúl (1985). Automotores norteamericanos, caminos y modernización urbana en la Argentina, 1819-1939, Buenos Aires, Libros de Hispanoamérica.

PASTORIZA, Elisa (ed.), (2002). Las puertas al mar. Consumo, ocio y política en Mar del Plata, Montevideo y Viña del Mar, Buenos Aires: Biblos.

SILVESTRI, Graciela (1999). “Postales Argentinas”, en ALTAMIRANO, Carlos (Ed.), La Argentina en el siglo XX, Buenos Aires, Ariel/UNQ.



How to Cite

Bruno, P. (2005). Main aspects in the transformation of Buenos Aires province seaside into touring territory. Registros. Revista De Investigación Histórica, (3), 35–53. Retrieved from

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